Hello-long time no blog!-In short-completed K2B walk, got 7 year tankard,very busy, had shingles, had new grandchild, got another new job...no time management skills!
I have been back on the road today signing books at one of my favourite Waterstones-Carlise! I always feel so welcome there and the staff are very supportive. In between signing I had a bit of head space and was able to untangle a few ideas and prepare for writing again...which has been impossible recently! I couldn't help but muse about the nature of signing...
You are sitting (usually) surrounded by copies of your book (s) in the middle of thousands of titles written by much more famous authors than you-intimidating in itself! You look at the shelves groaning under the weight of books of all shapes, sizes and genres-wondering how all these authors managed to gain a book deal...wondering how they market themselves...wondering-as you dont recognise many of their names how they get their book out there and tempt readers to buy...when you notice your first prospective customer.
They hover, smile nervously...then walk past...
Its fascinating watching the human being in all its guises.
There's the one who catches sight of you early on...sticks their head in the air and almost runs past...
Then there's the one in the cloak of invisibilty...they pretend they aren't there and refuse to give eye contact....
or you become invisible and this customer sails past, the air rippling with the speed of their transit past your table...
The old friend approach...a smile and a nod...enought o raise hope in your breast...and then they too walk by on the other side...but on returning...give you a silently mouthed goodbye and cute wave...
The tutter...glares at you, sneers at the book as he/she saunters past tutting with derision
The "Im not taking a leaflet-it may well infect me with plague" attitude...
Then...at last...one engages in conversation...asks all about the book...enquires about the career...the success...the genre...and says either "Oh kids books/dont have anyone that age/dont like fantasy etc" or "ok thak you-well done"
Next...the roadrunner...on track to bump into your table...at the last minute...veers off to the side, back or round another display to avoid you
Of course my particular favourite is the teaser...looks interested gives you eye contact and then leaves...but just as you lose hope...comes back and gets three copies signed for little Ethel, Fred and Cynthia...
Best of all...the dear old lady who takes your bookmark/leaflet, listens to the spiel and then says..."Have you got that book on Carlisle/ Barrow/ Crewe-or wherever?" You say-"Er no I dont work here Im an author signing theses books..." "Oh well Ill ask at the desk then!"
But better still the person who chats, looks interested, takes the leaflet, gets a book and really engages with you as a person...you want to swop emails and keep in touch!
So...be ready for a roller coaster of emotions, hope, pleasure, irritation, surprise, gratitude...and enjoy! Human nature in all its glory!
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